Everyday Magick

Flower Magick

May is a beautiful month for witchcraft. Spring is here, and flowers are in bloom. There are so many easy ways you can use flowers in your magick this month:

Color Magick: Use the color of the flower to represent the energy you want to bring into a spell.

Decorate your altar: Make your altar festive and magickal with flowers that correspond to the energy of the month or sabbat.

Use the seeds: Toss seeds (from flowers with an appropriate energy) into the wind to manifest something, add seeds to charm bags or spell jars, or plant seeds and align it with magick you want to grow.

Use the petals: Toss petals (from flowers with an appropriate energy) into the wind to manifest something or release an unwanted energy, add petals to a ritual bath, add petals to charm bags or spell jars, add them to a dream pillow or herbal sachet, outline your ritual circle with petals, use them in body potions and lotions, or add them to water and anoint a candle or yourself with the flowered water.

Use the whole flower: Add them to your altar, use them for divination (think along the lines of assigning meaning to the petals and pulling them off like “He loves me, he loves me not”), use a flower as a wand to direct energy, or use a wilting flower to release an energy (as the flower wilts, visualize an unwanted energy fading away).

Plant protective flowers around your home or in a pot on the front porch: Geraniums, violets, lilacs and marigolds are some protective flowers.

Use the petals or seeds for wish magick: Toss petals or seeds into the air or blow dried dandelion seeds as you make a wish.

Prosperity/Wealth: Carry seeds or petals in your wallet, add seeds or petals to a charm bag for abundance, or place petals or seeds in a circle around a green candle in a ritual. Marigolds and honeysuckle are good plants for prosperity.

Use them for psychic or spiritual work: Jasmine, honeysuckle, irises and violets are good plants for spirituality.

Check out my Instagram this week for the magickal properties of specific flowers. You can also check out my Magickal May Download on Etsy for more ideas for using flowers in magick and celebrating the month of May in the witchiest of ways.