28 Days of Witchy Self-Care,  Everyday Magick

Witchy Self-Care on Your Phone

28 Days of Self-Care – Day 4

Yesterday, we talked about creating a witchy self-care kit for hard days or just to start a consistent self-care practice. Today, I want to continue with self-care resources and encourage you to create a folder of witchy self-care apps and shortcuts on your phone. So if you are out of the house and can’t get to your self-care kit or you just need a quick-hit meditation, you will be prepared and have your resources in one place. You could even align the resources on your phone to the supplies in your self-care kit, by saving spells and affirmations on your phone that you can use with things in your kit.

I consider myself pretty technologically savvy, but I didn’t know until today that you can create shortcuts on your home screen from websites or YouTube by clicking the Share icon and selecting “Share to Home Screen”. This opened up a world of possibilities to me! I didn’t have to just use apps from the app store, I could save my favorite meditations from YouTube or correspondence charts from different websites.

I’m going to give you ideas that I’ve had for creating a folder of witchy self-care resources:

  • Candle flame app (use it when you are away from home or in a place where you can’t use a real candle)
  • Tarot/oracle card apps
  • Crystal app (not only will you get crystal information quickly, but you can use a picture of a crystal as a substitute for the real thing in a spell when you don’t have your crystals with you)
  • Affirmation apps
  • YouTube meditations or spells
  • Spell pages from the web
  • Self-care ideas from the web
  • A breathing bubble video from YouTube (instructs you to breath in and out with the expanding and contracting bubble)
  • Yoga app or video

And you don’t have to stop there. You could create witchy folders for correspondences, for sabbats, etc.

Join me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know what you’ll be adding to your witchy self-care folder for your phone.