
Lotion Sigil for Self-Confidence

If you don’t already know, a sigil is a symbol you create that embodies a specific magickal intent. There are several ways you can create one, from writing out an intention statement, crossing out duplicate letters and creating a symbol from the remaining letters or by drawing your own design that is meaningful to you. Witches create sigils for all kinds of magick like protection and manifestation, but today, we are going to use one for self-confidence, although you may substitute a word or another symbol other than a sigil.

Design a sigil that says self-confidence to you or find a word or symbol that conveys that feeling. As you start your day, draw that symbol or word onto your skin with lotion. Rub the lotion into your skin while visualizing yourself feeling confident and self-assured. Perhaps you have an important meeting where you really need to shine. Visualize yourself successfully leading the meeting as you rub the lotion in.

The most important parts of this simple ritual are intention and visualization. Be clear on your intent; use an affirmation statement if that helps. And visualize yourself being confident in the situation. How does it feel? Imagine it as it has already happened and you are grateful for the success.

Variations on this ritual:

  • Use this ritual for other emotions. Want to feel less stressed at the dentist? Draw a sigil for relaxation and visualize an easy, cavity-free trip to the dentist.
  • Use cologne instead of lotion and rub it into your wrists.
  • Mix a drop of an essential oil that matches your intention into the lotion before drawing it on. (lavender for relaxation, rose for self-love, lemon for joy)