28 Days of Witchy Self-Care,  DIY,  Spells

Scrub Away Negative Self-Talk

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care. – Day 11

A few years ago, I took a gratitude class with The Gratitude Project, and one of the most important things I took away from that class was about speaking to yourself in a positive way. Angela Simson, author of the class, said that you should never speak to yourself any way that you wouldn’t speak to your best friend or your mother. It really made me think of the things I say to myself sometimes when I look in the mirror. I would never tell my best friend or mother some of the things I’ve thought of myself. Over time I’ve gotten better at eliminating negative self-talk, but I created this little spell as a reminder to myself.

Scrub Away Negative Self-Talk Spell

  1. Create a sacred space. Light candles if you wish.
  2. Apply lip scrub to lips.
  3. As you gently rub in the scrub to exfoliate, think about scrubbing away negative self-talk. Visualize only positive self-talk crossing your lips from now on.
  4. Rinse off the scrub and say a positive affirmation to yourself like, “I speak kindly to myself.”

    Repeat once a week.

DIY Lip Scrub

This is a simple lip scrub that you can make up on the spot, however, it should keep for about a month or two. You should only use lip scrubs one to two times a week.

  • 1 Tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon oil (Coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or almond oil are good choices.)
  • A few drops of vanilla extract (just for flavor), optional

In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar, 1/2 Tablespoon of oil and a few drops of vanilla extract. If your lip scrub is too dry, add a little more oil.

Transfer the mixture to a little jar.

To apply, use your finger or a cotton swab to apply the scrub to your lips. Gently rub the scrub into your lips to exfoliate. Rinse off with water or wipe off gently with a cloth.

You can also create a smaller batch to use fresh each time.