
6 Tarot Cards for Self-Love and Self-Care

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 16

I love my tarot and oracle decks – the rich imagery, beautiful meanings and eye-opening messages. I usually do a daily draw, but I’m always trying to find new ways to use them, like in spells or in affirmation practice. I have gathered six tarot cards that I feel embody the concepts of self-love and self-care. If some of these don’t resonate with you, then trust your intuition to find the cards that do. It’s your magick and it should be meaningful to you.

The High Priestess: represents our inner wisdom, reminds us to look within
The Empress: can be a nurturing, mothering card for when you need it, and reminds us to enjoy the pleasures of life
Temperance: represents balance, peace and calm
The Star: reminds you to have faith in yourself, also represents hope and renewal
Ace of Cups: reminds us that we are a vessel of love, also reminds us to fill our own cup
Queen of Cups: represents compassion and honoring your emotions

What are some ways you can use tarot cards other than card drawings/reading?

  • Light a candle and meditate with a card
  • Include a card that represents your intention in a spell
  • Display a card on your altar where you will see it often
  • Use tarot cards as writing prompts for your journaling
  • Use tarot cards for inspiration in your art journal
  • Decorate with them – frame them and hang them up