28 Days of Witchy Self-Care,  Everyday Magick

Create a Daily Sacred Ritual for Yourself

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 23

You are worthy. In case you didn’t aready know, I’m telling you now.


And part of being worthy is taking time for yourself. “Me time” is not selfish. You know the old adage that “you can’t pour from an empty cup”? With all of the things you are expected to do each day, you need to create some time to fill your own cup.

That’s why I’m encouraging you to create a daily sacred ritual. But what makes it sacred? Basically, if it makes your feel good about yourself, it replenishes you, or it nourishes your soul, it’s sacred. It doesn’t have to take long. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, unless you want it to be. It just needs to be special to you. I invite you to add some witchy elements into it as well, so you are practicing your craft on a daily basis. I’d also like to suggest that you do your ritual at the same time each day, so it becomes routine and makes it easier for you to take time for self-care.

What are some examples of a daily sacred ritual?

  • You could do a short meditation each morning after you wake up followed by some intention-setting for the day as you sip your coffee.
  • When you take a shower, visualize the water washing away the day’s worries and stresses. When you get out, draw self-love sigils or words on your skin with lotion and then rub in it, absorbing the energy of your intent.
  • Create a nighttime routine. Write down 3 things you are grateful for in your gratitude journal. Then sip jasmine tea as you read a witchy book in bed.

I hope that you will create a sacred self-care routine for yourself. Feel free to share your ideas over at my Instagram or Facebook page.