Everyday Magick,  Printables

Five Witchy Ways to Stay Magickal During the Quarantine and a Magickal May Witchy Download


Hello, witchy friends!  I hope this post finds you well. As you may know, my goal is to find the magickal in the mundane, to seek magick every day. It doesn’t always happen, but I always feel centered when I stay on a magickal path. The quarantine has definitely changed my routine. Instead of working at home alone, I now share my office with my husband, and I am teaching my children who are home for the rest of the school year. I find myself busier than ever, and magickal moments are hard to come by. So I sat down and made myself a list of five witchy things I can easily do during the quarantine. I wanted to share that list with you.


  • Learn the tarot, card by card. If you are new to tarot, pull one card a day, keep it out all day where you can see it. First look at the card and think about what you see and how it makes you feel, and then look up the meaning of the card. If you have time, journal about each card. If you don’t have a deck, there are tons of apps and websites where you can “draw” a card or just look up each card. If you are an experienced tarot reader, use a deck that you don’t use as often, or haven’t connected to, and see if you make a connection with it over time.


  • Work on connecting more with each element. Each day, choose an element (earth, air, fire or water) and take note of how that element shows up in your life. You can also use this exercise to focus on an element that is missing in your life. If you are feeling creatively blocked, then look for the element of air in your day. If you are feeling out of balance, then look for the element of earth. Check out my Elemental Mindfulness Exercise here along with a free printable with elemental associations for some ideas.


  • Meditate. It’s that simple. If you have trouble meditating, use guided meditations. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s time to be still, get grounded, and practice visualization, which is important to any witch. You don’t have to meditate for 30 minutes, you can do 5 minutes. I found an app that has great one minute meditations. I have gotten my whole family involved. I use the Smiling Mind app with my family; it’s free and they have age appropriate meditations that last only a few minutes. It’s a great habit to introduce to your children.


  • Pick one witchy topic (crystals, flowers, herbs) and study it. I personally have tons of crystals but haven’t had much time to see how I connect to each one. I’m using this time to work with one crystal a day. I pick one, hold it and see how it feels, keep it with me all day, look up its properties and journal about it. Sometimes, I need to sit with a crystal for a couple of days until I get a better understanding of it, but I’m slowly working my way through my stash. I also started documenting the flowers/plants in my yard. I’m only doing one a week with that, but I find a plant, research it, jot down its properties, sketch it (well, try to sketch it) and keep my findings in my working grimoire.


  • With everyone home ALL the time, I’ve been doing a lot of cleansing – physically and spiritually. I’ve created some simple cleansers with vinegar, water and essential oils that disinfect, but also lift my spirits (lemon) and put some calming vibes out there (lavender). I’ve created different room sprays with water and essential oils to cleanse the air and help the atmosphere – mint for the office to help wake me up, lavender for calming in the bedrooms. You can find a lot of easy recipes on Pinterest for homemade cleansers and room sprays., and remember, just a little essential oil goes a long way. Make sure you research any essential oils you are going to use to make sure it is safe around children and pets. I also like to do smoke cleansing around the house. Being stuck inside can make anyone grumpy, so I burn Palo Santo and some other incense to clean out any negativity in the house. (Again, safety, my friends. Make sure you burn incense in a safe place and make sure it is extinguished before you go to bed or leave the house.)


I’m sprinkling these things in here and there as I have time. How are you staying witchy during this time?


If you like these tips, check out my first (in a monthly series) printable on Etsy, The Magickal May Download. This 14 page download is comprehensive guide, FULL of ideas, spells and activities to make May your most magickal ever! Here’s what’s included:


  • A Magickal May Correspondences worksheet to help you identify the tools that will amplify your magick in May.
  • Learn about the beautiful sabbat of Beltane and learn several ways you can celebrate Beltane in your own witchy way.
  • Discover more about May’s full moon and moon phases and use the worksheet to set your intentions for the month.
  • A list of 16 Flower Correspondences is a great reference for your grimoire and it leaves space for you to add your own associations.
  • Walking Through a Field of Flowers Meditation, an original meditation that you can adapt for more variety.
  • Two original spells – one, using inspiration from Beltane, to help you with manifesting and another to help you release things that you no longer want in your life.
  • Journal prompts that will keep you connected to your personal magick in May.
  • 31 Witchy Ways to be Magickal in May – Your daily guide to celebrating every single day in May.


The Magickal May Download is not specifically dated for 2020 so that you can use this guide every year. Use it as a working grimoire or a guide for creating your own grimoire.



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