28 Days of Witchy Self-Care

Affirmation Challenge

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 13

Today, I challenge you say a positive affirmation to yourself each day for a full week.

So what is an affirmation anyway? An affirmation is a positive statement that you say to or about yourself, like, “I accept myself” or “I have a lot to offer others.” Science has shown that affirmations have the power to shift our mindset about ourselves.

How is this witchy though?

Think of affirmations like spells. You’re creating an intention, and you’re putting it out there to the universe. You are also raising your vibrations (your energy) with positive self-talk, and the universe will return the same kind of energy back to you.

Here are some ways to get those affirmations in each day:

  • Say an affirmation in front of the mirror each morning before you leave the house.
  • Leave affirmations on post-it notes around your house.
  • Say an affirmation over coffee every morning.
  • Journal your affirmation each day.
  • Say an affirmation every night before bed.