Make a Self-Love Jar
12 February 2022
28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 12
Make a Self-Love Jar
You’ll need:
A small jar
Any combination of the following (use your intuition):
- Loving herbs: rose petals, lavender, jasmine, chamomile
- Crystals: rose quartz, amethyst, pink opal, rhodonite, rhodochrosite
- Sugar for love and sweetening your thoughts
- Pink Himalayan Salt for self-love
- Self-love affirmation printed out on a piece of paper
- Create a sacred space.
- Center yourself with a few deep breaths.
- Think positive, loving thoughts and/or affirmations as you add items to your spell jar.
- Breathe into the jar to add your energy and then seal up the jar.
- Each day, pick up the jar and repeat your affirmation(s) aloud.
Place the jar where you can see it often or carry a small one around with you.
Scrub Away Negative Self-Talk