28 Days of Witchy Self-Care,  Everyday Magick

Dress with Magickal Intention

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 19

We all have certain outfits that make us feel good about ourselves, but we probably can’t wear that outfit everyday. So let’s add a little magick into the mix. Dress yourself with magickal intention.

Use the color of your clothes to match the energy you want have. You can go with the basic color correspondences like yellow for joy or red for confidence or passion. Or you can throw those correspondences out the window and decide how the colors are meaningful to you. If black is your confidence color, go for it. If blue means self-love to you, then wear blue from head to toe, grab a cup of tea, and revel in the greatness that is you.

Wear jewelry with stones that match your intention (rose quartz for self-love, tiger’s eye for confidence).

Enchant your clothes or jewelry to make you feel good about yourself when you wear them. Hold them in your hands and envision the energy that you want them to have. Visualize yourself feeling that energy as you wear your clothes or jewelry.

Enchant your pajamas to help you relax or get a good night’s sleep. We all have those days where you come straight home and immediately put on your pjs. Leave a loving crystal, like rose quartz, or a calming crystal, like blue lace agate, on your pjs during the day so they are full of loving, calming energy when you get home.