
Create Your Own Affirmation Deck

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 22

While there are some AMAZING affirmation decks out there, I want to encourage your to create your own affirmation deck. You can never have too many decks, right? Plus, we are going to infuse this with our energy, so it’s going to be an extra special deck.

This is YOUR deck. You can create it however you want. You choose how many cards you want or what size they are. You can hand write your affirmations or type them. You can decorate with scrapbook paper, draw on them, add photographs or clip out images from magazines. You can take as long as you need to make them. The important thing to remember is that as you create them, think about adding your intent to them. As you create each card, take a moment to think about the feeling it conveys to you.

Once your deck is finished, hold the deck in your hands. Visualize energy flowing from your heart or heart chakra down through your hands and into the deck. You are infusing it with your energy. You can always add more cards when you want, just remember to give them the same loving energy as your original deck.

How can you use the deck? I have a few ideas:

  • Draw a card a day and meditate on the affirmation you pick.
  • Pick a card and tape it to your mirror for a week. Read it aloud each day.
  • Make a self-love altar and add one of your cards to it. Change it out weekly.
  • Add a card to your desk at work.
  • Pick a card and journal about it.
  • Use the cards in self-love spells.
  • Give a card to a friend who needs it.
  • Make extra cards and leave them at random spots for someone to find.