31 Ways to be Witchy in October,  Autumn Magick,  Everyday Magick

31 More Ways to be Witchy in October

Day 12

Magickal Workings for the Month of October

Ancestor Work: As we get closer to Samhain and the veil thins, this is an opportune time to honor or reach out to your ancestors.

Divination: Again, with the thinning veil, psychic and divination energies are increasing. If you haven’t done much divination, try pulling an oracle card each day or scry with a candle flame.

Releasing Old Habits: Many witches consider Samhain to be the Witches’ New Year. Now is a good time to release negative energies or old habits before going into the new year.

Shadow Work/Inner Cleansing: Going into the colder months, it’s a time to slow down and do some inner work.