Corn Moon or Harvest Moon?

September’s full moon arrives early this month, on September 2nd. But is it the Harvest Moon or the Corn Moon? Each year, the Harvest Moon is the moon that falls closest to the Autumn Equinox, which is September 22nd this year. So the Harvest Moon will actually be October’s first full moon on October 1, which makes tomorrow’s full moon a Corn Moon.
Something I learned this year is that the word “corn” doesn’t just mean the yellow cobs of maize that we picture when we think of corn. It represents the most important crop of any region, so when you hear of Corn Goddesses or rituals with corn from Europe, it may be representing wheat or another grain. I always wondered why there were so many ancient Corn Goddesses when maize was cultivated here in the Americas. Now, it makes more sense.
September’s full moon is a great time for gratitude or abundance rituals. What are you planning for the full moon tomorrow?
Nature's Magickal Tools
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