Autumn Magick,  Everyday Magick,  Pagan Parenting

Nature’s Magickal Tools

Right now, my eight year old son is going to school virtually from home. It’s had it’s challenges, especially since I’m trying to work full time while making sure he’s keeping up with his class meetings and homework. So on Tuesday afternoon, I wasn’t surprised to hear for about the 10th time in two weeks, “I’m bored. I need stuff to do. I want you to hang out with me.” I try to spend as much time with him as I can, but I still have work to do and he has schoolwork, so it’s not a play day everyday here. But I needed a break, and he was bouncing off the walls, so I decided we needed to spend a little time in nature. Whenever, I’m stressed out, nature grounds me, so I grabbed a basket, some heavy duty scissors to clip plants and we headed outside.

He’s been interested in witchcraft and what I do as a witch, so when I have some teachable moments about witchcraft or just nature in general, I jump on them. We decided to look for things in nature that were changing now that autumn was coming, that I could use in decorating and that I could use in spells. I’m not a green witch (although I wish I had the skills), so I don’t always know what is going to pop up in my yard. We spent about 30 minutes outside, asking Mother Nature’s permission to pick leaves and flowers and filling up our basket. We had a great time. We talked about how the Earth changes each season and how some things will die off while others will flourish. I told him about how I can use some of the things we were finding in my magick, decorating or even art.

Here are some of the things we found:

There were pine cones, acorns, seed pods and berries, and different colored leaves.

We had fun arranging some of what we found:

Magically, I realized I have so many tools right outside my door that I can use in spells, rituals or on my altar:

Pine cones: protection and fertility
Acorns: money, protection and strength
Yellow leaves: clarity and communication
Brown leaves: Earth magick, animal magick and home magick
Red leaves: passion and power.
Changing leaves (the ones that are more than one color): transformation spells
Seed pods: fertility, growth and protection.

I’m still looking up some of the other things I found in my yard to see what they are and what magickal attributes they have. I’m drawing some of of the plants and adding their attributes to my working grimoire for future reference.

By the way, my son told me that he had a lot of fun exploring and seeing the plants and flowers in our yard, and he declared every Tuesday a “get out in nature day”.

What are things you have in your yard or neighborhood that you use in magick? Comment below and let me know!

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