28 Days of Witchy Self-Care,  Sabbats,  Spells

Awaken the Fire Within Spell

Day 1 of the 28 Days of Witchy Self-Care

Join me this month on Instagram and Facebook for 28 Days of Witchy Self-Care. February is often known as the month for love, and this month we are going to celebrate the love we have for ourselves by adding in a little self-care with a witchy twist.

We’ll start the month off with a spell to awaken our inner fire. In the middle of winter, it can be easy to become less motivated, feel stagnant, and feel stuck. It can become hard to find the energy to do everything we need to do, much less find the energy to take care of ourselves. We will align with the fire sabbat, Imbolc, and do a visualization to spark that inner fire!

Awaken the Fire Within Spell

Start the spell as you would any other spell. You may cast a circle if you wish and call in the quarters or a Goddess. Brighid, one of the fire goddesses who is associated with Imbolc, would be an optimal Goddess to ask to join you for this spell.

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart or heart chakra.

Start to visualize a little spark igniting in your heart.

Envision that spark turning into a flame, warming your heart and your hands.

Visualize your body filling with light. As the flame grows, feel the energy grow in your body and beyond your body, creating a warm glow around you.

Take a few minutes to feel the fire awakened inside of you and surrounding you with loving energy. Bask in the radiance and light within yourself.

State an affirmation aloud such as, “I have awakened my inner fire, and I bring my light out into the world.”

Close out your spell as you normally would, giving gratitude to any energies you have invited and to the universe for bringing the light.

Always know that you can return to this visualization any time you need that spark!


If you have trouble visualizing the flame, then use a candle. Light the candle and imagine it’s glow reaching out and encasing you in a bubble of light.

You could change the affirmation and use this spell to help motivate you to work on your goals or start a new project. Say something like, “I have awakened my inner fire, and I am accomplishing my goals” or “I have awakened my inner fire, and I have the energy to start my new project.”

Use your inner fire to light someone else’s. Visualize sending some of that loving, radiant light to a friend who needs it or even out into the universe to bring more loving energy into the world.