28 Days of Witchy Self-Care,  Everyday Magick

Shake It Off Shower Ritual

28 Days of Witchy Self-Care – Day 27

When we feel dirty, we take a shower to wash away the grime. Pretty obvious, right? But what if we take a shower to wash away the emotional and mental grime that is on us? I have made this part of my daily ritual, and it works wonders! You can do it as you wake up to feel ready for the day or at night to rinse away a bad day before you go to bed.

The water will do most of the work, yes physically, but also spiritually. Water is mentally cleansing, works with our emotions and helps us to heal. You just need to add some intent and visualization. When you hop in the shower, state your intent to feel better. Now, visualize the water washing away the stresses of the day, the weight of today’s news, unhealthy relationships or any other worries you have. Visualize these issues rolling off of your body and swirling down the drain. I also like to visualize the water with a glowing energy as it comes down and surrounding me with a glowing light after my problems have been washed away.

If you have trouble visualizing the problems leaving you, literally shake them off. Shake your arms and hands. Shake your legs. (Just don’t fall.) Envision your issues flinging off of your body and being whisked away down the drain.

When you get out, follow up with a lotion sigil or symbol on your body, maybe a heart for self-love.